
Rogers Internet…No?

Last night Vero and I babysat William and Philippe for a few hours which was good times except for the fact that they are turning out to be like their father as all they had eyes for was the lady in the house.

When Eric got home, he was showing me some excellent Nine Inch Nails DVDs that he downloaded. I was shocked to hear that it took a few days to download them. What the heck? For me to download an entire 4.3GB of files, it would have taken me months at my slow trickle of 10K/sec max over torrents. He said he averages around 150K/sec.

This is ridiculous and now I’ve seen what is the difference between Rogers and Bell. I have always known that Rogers shapes my torrent downloads and I assumed Bell did as well, but it looks like it’s still worthwhile looking into Bell.

How about you folks out there? Any thoughts on the ISP bandwagon?

3 replies on “Rogers Internet…No?”

We’re with Rogers and haven’t had anything like that speed caps you’re mentioning. We do, however, have a 60 gig a month download limit.

I am with Bell, also with a 60 gig/month download limit. The download rate varies depending on the time of the day as Bell throttles back at peak times. Early evening it’s very slow, but I have had some good speed during off hours.

I have Rogers at the moment but a friend of mine told me about a company called Tek Savvy ( They seem to have great prices, 30$ for 200 gig download or 40 for unlimited. He also told me they do not throttle but I am unsure of that. The only problem I can see with Tek Savvy is that they offer 5mb download whereas Rogers is 10mb.

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