
Roll up the Mystery

I don’t drink coffee. So I don’t really partake in the Roll up The Rim contest, although I think it is pretty swell when my co-workers win a donut.

I started thinking about the whole process and would be interested in knowing the formula which occurs for the contest. Help me out with some facts people.

Some random thoughts concerning the RUTR process:
– I’m assuming if they have ‘x’ number of winning cups, then the manufacturing plant just creates them in a batch. “Alright boys, let’s now print the 10,000 iPod Nano cup run.” Then they have a stack of winning cups.

But what happens after that? Is it a random sort order, or is there a formula as to how many prizes a province should get? “Alright, Yukon gets two iPod nanos, BC gets 9,998!”

Or is it split up evenly? Or (heaven forbid) there is actually a larger formula than that which incorporates past winning provinces and decides to shift the winners to another province. That would be an interesting formula to see. So if Ontario was the big winner last year, then chances are, it isn’t happening this year.

Then one has to think if they release all the winning cups into circulation within Week #1. Or do they release only 20% so people get interested in the contest and then they ramp up the winners by the end of the contest.

What we need here is an interview with a Tim Horton’s representative.

5 replies on “Roll up the Mystery”

Interesting This is directly from the “Rules and Regulation” on the Timmy’s website:

In Canada, obtain a FREE Tim Hortons contest cup and/or a copy of the official rules, by writing to:
Tim Hortons Contest Cup
P.O. Box 9296
Saint John, New Brunswick E2L 4Y8.
All requests for a Free Cup must be postmarked by May 5, 2007 and received by May 13, 2007. Limit one request per envelope with sufficient postage, while supplies last. Void in Florida and where prohibited by law. No mechanical reproductions of requests permitted. All requests must include a postage-paid, self-addressed envelope.”

Although…I don’t know many people who will go through the trouble…

I was to the understanding that Tim Hortons dilivers winning cups to locations lacking in sales or to take over a market that might have more star bucks or coffe time patrons.

I’ve always been curious about the ‘no purchase’ contest entries. Keep us posted on how it goes Ryan!

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