

Krista and I were talking about some daily routines that we all have – in our particular conversation, websites we visit at least once a day (and in my case, in a specific order when the day begins).

First Website – Google Mail before I leave the house (just in case there’s that great email saying I am worth a gazillion dollars).
ChartAttack – Canada’s own music source for all the latest and greatest. It’s a good fast read. Sometimes there’s good stuff, sometimes it’s a bust. But they do highlight the new releases of the week. Boom. – An excellent source for up-to-date movie information.
Dark Horizons – Another excellent movie information site. Although by the time I’m done reading, this site really isn’t needed. But I do enjoy when their Random Spiel column comes up which has various tidbits of information.’s JAM! Showbiz Entertainment Section – Another excellent Canadian site of entertainment information. I start from the top of the topic list and run down – Music, Movies, Television, Video.
Ottawa Sun – Hey, you have to look to the locals to see what’s going on in your territory! I really just browse through this and don’t spend too much time. – You never know what’s happening around your country until you visit
Gizmodo – An excellent source for gadget news. This is updated around the clock so I visit this throughout the day for any good updates.
Life Hacker – Lifehacker is a pretty cool site which has tips that will let you enjoy your life a little more (but mainly revolves around technology. Heck technology IS life. Debate that one.) – For all around good music information, but focusses on our friends across the seas. New Music Express sometimes gets a bad rap from other music sites, but whatever. It is updated a few times a day which is crucial in the fast moving rock scene.
Nine Inch Nails Hotline – Hey, you never know what Trent Reznor is up to…better check it out here.
TrekWeb – Everyone knows there’s a new Star Trek movie coming out so it’s good to check out the updates!
Netphoria Forums – For all the latest updates of Smashing Pumpkins news.

Other than that, there are random other ones I check:
My Friend’s Blogs – Which have become a ghost town since Facebook moved into town (or they are bored with blogging?)
My own site to see if I got any comments.
Apple Mac Computer Sites – Anything to do with the coolest computers ever.
Star Wars sites – Natch.

What are some sites you check out daily? Post them here!

iplaying: 22: The Death of All The Romance – The Dears (No Cities Left)

One reply on “Routines”

This is a funny topic to blog about, because it’s something that we all probably do, but is so routine and tedious, that most people don’t even recognize that they do it every day.

I have been forced to check gmail from home when I get up in the morning because it’s blocked at work.

Then I check the news,,,

Then I try to get the fun stuff out of the way so I can get back to work: facebook, and, and of course Palmer’s World.

Every other week is a new Vintages release at the LCBO so then I visit,, billysbestbottles,com and

Wow that’s a lot of wasted time once I see it before me. BAck to work now 🙂

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