
Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings

51xxrnbfozl_ss500_.jpgI just picked up the new Counting Crows album today.  It was a surprise that it was coming out…I lost track of when it would be out.  The concept is one half of the album are those songs that represent the Saturday Night when you want to rock…you want to lose yourself into the world…

Sunday Mornings (as we all know too well) are those mornings where everything is quiet and you recollect things that happened the night before and all is…calm.

I haven’t listened to Counting Crows in a long time and they were a big part of me…I’m looking for my old bootlegs and rare tracks and…they’re all gone somewhere else.  Good thing the Internet is around but that’s a whole lot of downloading going on.

I suppose I’ll give a full review later on but after three full listens tonight I realize two things:

1) I miss the days where I would have enough time to myself to hole myself up in a room and listen to an album completely.

2) Counting Crows do not disappoint.

iplaying: On Almost Any Sunday Morning – Counting Crows (Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings)