Saturdays and Sundays around our house are typically slow moving.
7AM – We hear the pitter patter of Ezra jumping out of bed and waking up his sister. I find this hilarious because they don’t technically do things together at 7am. One of them watches YouTube kids on the TV and the other has an iPad in hand watching YouTube kids. Once in awhile you can hear them talking. “Look at that craft they are making! OOoh.”
9AM – Generally this is when Vero or I roll out of bed to see what’s going on. Usually there are Cheerios surrounding Ezra to the point where I wonder how many actually made it into his mouth!
10AM – Maman usually makes a nice breakfast like french toast or oeuf dans le trou.
At minimum we are doing laundry during the weekend and some Saturdays we clean up the house. Vero supposedly grew up like this so she’s trying to get us to do the same thing. At least she doesn’t force us to do it if we have other plans!
It was a mix of rain and snow yesterday so we found a time around 3PM to venture outside and build a fortress wall near the road. The plan was for me to walk along the road and the kids would throw snowballs at me. They did this last year and wanted to continue the tradition.
Unfortunately the fort wall collapsed about 30 minutes into building it so the kids decided to build snow thrones with cup holders in it instead.