
Say NO To Passing Gas

I caught the tail end (Har Har! Aww man, that is a good joke after reading this article!) of this newsbite on Chez106 the other morning and thought they were talking about a pub in Ottawa, but lo and behold, the news is from Scotland!

Anyhow, read and enjoy the article about a man who is banned from his favourite pub for breaking wind.

This man is definitely my hero.

6 replies on “Say NO To Passing Gas”

That’s hilarious!!! What a homely looking dude. Looks like he forced a few of them a little too hard…his eyes are bugged out.

Heh heh heh! Nice article but so true! With all the smoke gone, you really notice the other smells except now I come home smelling just as nice as when I left house.

Evil One….if the smoke masked this gents attempt to improve green house gas emissions, can you now imagine what other smells will irritate both non and active smokers now !!! A) Fish stores will actually smell bad.
B) Greasy food will now smell and taste greasy… can u suggest any more…..

I’m sure his farts didn’t smell as bad as Ryan’s farts when he’s been eating chili all night long… I was GREEN!!! I never smelled something that stinky, and the worse is that he love’s it and he is so used to it that he doesn’t even smell them anymore! For everybody that had to smell the same thing (And I know there’s a large number of people that did), I feel the pain!

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