
Say No To Technology Film

Vero and I had some brilliant ideas for a film we want to make this summer concerning technology of the past decade and the demise of social capital as we know it.

It will revolve around how the ‘virtual networks’ that we have created are replacing our ‘in-person networks’ and in some extreme cases, have replaced them all together and there is no contact being made outside of the Internet.

An example of this would be how I maintain a blog, but never phone anyone who has a blog as I feel that reading their blog allows me to keep tabs on them.

Sounds…a bit silly doesn’t it? But it happens (for me at least).

Anyhow, we have some good laughable ideas on how technology wreaks havoc on us, but of course we won’t even list what’s right about technology. That would just defeat our hilarious movie idea.

A lot of the ideas stemmed from this article from the Globe and Mail.

I’m excited at this prospect as our original film idea seemed a little grandiose for our first project together. This film can easily be a 20 minute length.

3 replies on “Say No To Technology Film”

Well of course you would! You debate everything! Plus, there are a slew of positive sides to the debate.

But, the movie will be a great depiction on the negative points.

I suggest a debate over some rye.

Sounds like it would be a good show. Let me know if you need any extra’s or maybe a star ;-). I would love to be on film.

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