
Settle This.

Friday I ended up over at Eric’s to play some Settlers of Catan.  We had purchased this game for Eric and Annie for Christmas and he had yet to haul it out so we took a crack at it.  This would probably be the fourth/fifth time I had played it.  The first two times were horrible, the third time I kind of got the hang of it.  Like anything in this world, I think it’s best when you go on an adventure with people at your own knowledge level.

So Friday night brought Mike, Eric and I together not really remembering or knowing how to play so the instruction manual came out, we had a few mis-starts (due to board setup and whatnot) but we loved the game entirely.  We played for four hours and by 1:30AM I was ready to pack it in but it was such an evenly matched game that we had to see who would win.  Mike ended up winning two games and Eric won one.  We ended up loving the game and look forward to playing it again.

Can we also point out that there must be so many different schools of thought in terms of strategy for the setup of this game…is it better to spread your pieces out to get better resources, or to put them into high probability rolling areas?  Time will tell.