Look who is winning at Candy Land!
This must have been some advanced physics class going on here.
Icing some Christmas cookies
Hanging the stockings
I’m sure one day we will look at this photo and say “Remember when we had to lift Sierra to put up ornaments?”
Advent calendar!
Sierra testing out her photo taking skills
Almost there!
Not sure if Ezra knows that his face can’t go through there
Who didn’t want a guitar at Christmas? I remember getting a 12 string guitar for Christmas which was pretty amazing. In fact, that came back into my possession recently and it’s my go-to guitar now!
For years I was looking for some poseable hands for my stormtrooper costume. I was mentioning this to a friend and he found these on Amazon for me. They worked out pretty good!
Glove on
Blam! Pretty good! Sometimes the weight of the rifle brings the arms down but it’s pretty good! Also, my team really enjoyed the Christmas themed trooper costume in the backyard of my video conferences.
Sierra and Maman filling up the birdfeeder
I love how the marshmallow dwarfs the hot chocolate.
Having kids has finally paid off! While I can sip on a beer, Sierra wants to assemble the Christmas cards!
The Grinch has arrived!
Hanging out with Rudolf and friends
I had a good laugh at this!
Ha! I forgot about this one!
Sierra has been learning about the nativity scene at school so she was telling me the names of all the people
I was thinking with an inch of snow Sierra could walk next to me, but nope. I’m glad I brought the sled.
Christmas is officially on!
New look? Nah. Vero wanted to see how it looked.
Always great to have people drop by for a quick visit!
Across from the mailbox is this house with the most amazing Christmas decorations. The kids love seeing them.
Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve always brings out Mom’s sausage dip
Christmas morning brought me a great gift from Sierra
Your brother’s gifts are always more exciting than your own!
Sierra playing with her new camera
Some kind of neat weight game where you put the number 2 on one side and then put 2 monkeys on the other and it balances out
This was a really good whiskey from my parents. St Pierre! I’m glad Dad called and reminded me that I hid it in my closet months ago.
Having fun on a new toy
Playing a new card game
Mom called me a few months ago and reminded me that my old Legos were still at home. I just assumed that they were property of Kapuskasing but no, I could have them! So they sent a few down for Sierra to play with. It was really great to see the old Legos that I grew up with.
We tried out a new trail in Cumberland Forest and I’m trying to remember why I was carrying Sierra at this point. I think there were some thorn bushes that her and I got trapped in.
We actually went far enough down the trail to find an official geocache that a friend had tipped us off on! I didn’t think we would get that close but sure enough, there it was! Pretty neat!