
Sierra’s Second Doctor Visit

We made it to the doctor’s office in record time and I’m glad to report that Sierra’s weight looks quite good as she gained 150 grams in the past week!  That’s always reassuring to hear considering Vero is working really hard at keeping the kid fed.

They did confirm a few things for us though.  It is NOT normal for a kid to be on the breast for more than an hour at a time!  So it’s time to shake things up and try and get her only on a breast for 30 minutes or less (for the time being).  Heck, the nurse was saying that for women with a second kid, it can sometimes take only 3 minutes to fill up the baby from the breast!  That’s crazy talk.  This led to an interesting evening where it seemed like Sierra would feed for 20 minutes, then want to feed again shortly after, then feed again shortly after and then conk out for 3 hours.  The same thing happened around midnight which was rough and in the wee hours of the morning.  It’s currently 11:30 and both her and Vero are still sleeping while I’m updating this blog.  At least Vero will hopefully feel like she has a little more freedom if she can cut down the feeding time!



Other than that, the doctor gave her a clean bill of health and we will drop by there next week for another check-in.  I’m glad that they scheduled it for next week as that will be my final week before heading back to work.  I have to say I’m not really looking forward to going back to work at this point, even though my days primarily consist of changing diapers and making sure Vero has everything she needs.  But it’s great to see the baby squirm around and I’m always wondering if she will discover something new that day.

Mom and Dad left this morning to head back up to Kapuskasing.  It was great having them here as they are seasoned veterans in taking care of children.  They have given us the confidence needed to continue on with this adventure!  They are planning to swing back around here in a few weeks time when I head back to work.  I will have tripled the amount of chores to do by the time they get back!  Thanks to the both of you for helping out for the past week.


Sierra conked out on top of Dad.


When Dad was off packing the car, she just conked out on Mom!  Why can’t she sleep like that at night?  🙂