

I’m barely back in action here. I’ve been sick and I’m studying for my exam this coming Saturday. The good news is that Dad is out of the hospital and can continue his reading of this website (because we all know that’s what bothered him the most about being in the hospital.) Fast fact: He said the food there was pretty darn good. That’s a surprise. The urban legends are false people!

Update on Christmas Cards: If you’re going to get one, they MAY be out this week sometime.
Update on Christmas Shopping: 99% done baby! Although the 1% always drags into 10% because you a)realize you forgot someone b)someone gets you a gift that you didn’t anticipate so you have to get them one
Update on Trish’s Christmas Compilation: Hot off the presses last night!
Update on Vero: She is now finished her contract so she gets to sleep in until noon every day and then go Christmas shopping. While she will deny this is what is going on, we all know better. Good news though, she managed to snag a contract being an assistant-producer on a short film during the month of January! I can’t believe her luckā€¦not only does she get to start when she gets back from Christmas, but it will be done in time for the trip to the Domincan Republic for her sister’s wedding!
Update on Mike: He is 99% moving to a new job at Foreign Affairs Canada. He’s just waiting for the beloved ‘letter of offer’. Congrats mate!