
Snow Day!

Around 2:30 this morning I woke up to wet snow hitting my bedroom window. It’s official, winter is here.

I hauled out my gloves and winter boots and went out to the car to wipe off the heavy wet snow.

I never really looked outside during my bus ride into the city but it turns out that Ottawa Center never got any snow! Strange! I never even noticed until Krista mentioned it may snow soon and I thought she was joking. Strange how a 20 kilometer distance can make a big difference.

I don’t know why but this year my body has become an ice cube. I have turned into one of those people who complain about the cold. I’m always cold! Argh. I don’t know how it happened. If anyone can invent fire for my feet, I’ll be the first to purchase it.

2 replies on “Snow Day!”

Ha ha! I suppose I didn’t check out what I wrote before posting it!

Yes, it’s true, I had to run out and clean off my car at 2:30 in the morning!

Not really. I waited until 7.

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