
Some Advice: Vehicle Ownership

Here’s some handy advice to those who don’t want to be a victim of fraud.

Don’t leave your vehicle ownership papers in some easy to find place within your vehicle.

If so, thieves may steal it and use the information within it to do Lord knows what.

The Ottawa Police were mentioning how they could potentially use the information to get credit cards/bank account information in your name or Lord knows what else.

At first, I thought about carrying it in my wallet (which is a fine idea) but I’ve moved onto the more inventive solutions – I’ll hide it with my car jack in the trunk! No thief will think of checking there (unless they are reading this right now!).

I recommend that if you do keep your ownership paper in an easy to find place within your vehicle, do yourself a favour and hide it somewhere a little harder for anyone to discover!

iplaying: Pretty Pretty Star – Billy Corgan (The Future Embrace)

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