
Spanish Final Exam

The Spanish final was quite a doozy….there were a few sections where I had to conjugate verbs AND put them into the appropriate sentence. My only problem is that I only understood 1 out of the 10 words! It was like drawing names from a hat and taking a wild guess at where they went! Argh. When I handed in the final exam, my professor Giovanna asked where my last written assignment was. What the heck? How did I miss a written assignment? I feigned ignorance and said “Oh, I did it, but it’s at home. Is it too late?” Of course it was too late…but she said something in Spanish that I didn’t really catch but I think it had to do with the fact that they take the best two out of three assignments. Hmmm…I just checked the Syllabus and there’s no mention of that. My comprehension of Spanish is quite lacking after six weeks.

I then headed out to Vero’s with the final exam haze in my head and when I got there, I just didn’t feel like I was done school yet, even though Vero was freaking out that I was finally done! I did get an excellent grad gift from her in the form of a case of beer and the film Short Circuit 2! By the end of the night, I was starting to feel like the weight on my shoulders was starting to lift.