
Status: Good!

Saw that I got 79% on my final essay to Intro To Communications. I put my heart and soul into that one…it was actually the first essay where I spoke about something I actually was interested in…like the state of the Internet and how TV is moving towards a non-linear based delivery method.

All in all…I’m impressed.

So , I got a B in the class. Cannot complain. Unlike Vero who tears up when she sees anything less than an A on her transcript.

Tonight’s Plans: Perhaps have a beer. Clean up the house a little.
Tomorrow’s Plans: Ooh…buy the recording equipment finally. Watch out world. Here we come. Also drop by Record Runner since they are having a moving out sale. Also, poker night at Shannon’s where I hear he bought an XBox 360. Holy crap.

iplaying: Problem Girl by Rob Thomas