
Stopping Evolution?

Trish sent me this article about a girl in India who had two legs and two legs removed, while keeping her remaining two legs and arms.

While I do not disagree that she probably wouldn’t have the most normal life, I must question (on behalf of X-Men lovers everywhere) if science is interfering with evolution. What would have happened if she had two extra sets of hands? She could do everything twice as fast! It’s a thing of science-fiction, but it’s reality!

Anyhow, I think we should start up a School for Gifted Youngsters so these people don’t feel out of place in society.

Article is here.

4 replies on “Stopping Evolution?”

Although, your optimistic view of the situation paints a nice picture of an individual with two additional sets of limbs, the article in question reveals a much sadder story.

Evolution (at least Darwin’s theory of evolution, here)
Is arguably not possible in todays advanced society.
I do have a bit more to say about this but with time, space and, lack of desire to type, constraints I will just say “They are not stopping evolution, biological evolution has already stopped.”

you may want two extra arms, but you probably don’t want to have the remnants of a parasitic twin fused to your body. Especially since it is very unlike that the girl would have motor control over those limbs.

Oh, she had no motor control? Dang, I should have read the rest of the article. I just saw the picture, talked to Krista about it and was saying ZOUNDS!

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