
Stork Shall Arrive Between the Hours of 10 – 2

One of my friends is scheduled to have her baby delivered next Monday.

I find this an odd concept – scheduling a baby’s birth. Sure, I know that it can be done, but it just sounds funny (different?) to me.

“Bob, I need the day off on Monday. Wazat? Oh, well my daughter is arriving around 2PM.”

Ha ha. Anyhow, just another instance of how our world is changing. Perhaps all children shall arrive in this fashion?

4 replies on “Stork Shall Arrive Between the Hours of 10 – 2”

Yeah I am a little freaked out by the whole pre-planned-ness of baby making these days.

I am also freaked out by the new trend is finding out the sex of the baby. What happened to the element of surprise? It would be interesting to correlate this trend to the decreased sales of yellow paint.

Yes, it has become the trendy thing to do, plan the birth of the child around your schedule so that it doesn’t clash with other activites in your life. Give me a break! another thing I saw that is gaining popularity in the states is gifts for the Mothers after they give birth. I’m not talking flowers or candy here, some Mother feel justfied that they should get diamond earings or necklaces. what happend to the celebration of brining a life into the world? when did it become so selfish?

Now of course, it’s totally legit to schedule a birth if there is a need to, that’s not at debate here of course.

Anyhow, onto your point of giving gifts…that’s…interesting?

I guess we are not the gift of our Mother’s life anymore. Bring on the XBOX 360!

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