
Study Woes

The scoop is…I hate studying. After a disastrous midterm on Monday, I have lost the will to continue. When I say disastrous, I probably got a good mark, but it wasn’t due to studying. It will occur from blind luck. What the heck? Here’s my beef – So you have a textbook that you read 4 chapters out of. Then you go to class where the Professor lectures on a given chapter pinpointing KEY CONCEPTS for your brain to digest. That’s what they are there for right? To point out WHAT YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING?

That being said, considering that my Prof gives us plenty of lecture notes, I studied them. Beauty. I was on top of the world.

In the end, the multiple choice test had nothing really to do with the lecture notes and in the end, turned out to be something that looked suspiciously like it could have been lifted directly from the textbook. Argh! I hate it when they do that. There’s only so much a person can study…I can’t be expected to memorize 100 pages of text!

So last night, in the midst of cracking the textbook for my other midterm tonight, I finally had enough and had to put everything away. I couldn’t do it anymore. Critical Thinking…argh, the bane of my existence. Reasons, conclusions, arguments…who cares?!

At this point it’s very important to realize that in the end, I’ve done pretty well over the years on midterms and everything else, so this is just my need to rant and afterwards, all will be good.

All tongue in cheek aside, I did have a moment of pure creativity where I pulled out the laptop, plugged in the guitar and within the next hour laid down some drum tracks, added some effects and voila! I have a new demo. My demos are just ideas to flesh out a bigger part of a song that will form. I love my recording equipment. It allows me to hold onto these memories. My only problem now is the fact that I was thinking of some lyrics/melody and realized I was humming the vocals of The Arcade Fire’s Keep The Car Running. Uh oh. Did I just copy someone’s entire song musically? Dang. I’ll have to go back and check that out!

In other random news while I just blabber on, I finally got around to ordering the two 7″ Smashing Pumpkins singles from their new album Zeitgeist. I’m really starting to like vinyl and I wish Canada had some which was easily accessible. I ended up ordering this from the United Kingdom (where the Pound is double the worth of the Canadian dollar. Yikes!). I figure I got a good deal on the singles, so that’s what counts. But I was tempted to pick up the Year Zero album on vinyl, but for $40 + shipping…not really worth it. Does anyone know of anywhere in Canada with some good NEW vinyl for sale?

iplaying: (AntiChrist Television Blues) – The Arcade Fire – Neon Bible