
Sugar Shacking and the Juno Kings


Friday night I headed over to Matt and Karilee’s place so we could take a look at the new re-release of Pearl Jam’s Ten. We ended up watching the MTV Unplugged DVD (which is killer) as well as watch a special on jungles from the Planet Earth mini-series, all the while chatting up a storm about everything and nothing. It was an entertaining evening and it’s always good times with those two.

Saturday began well as it was beeeheuuuutifullll outside. I proceeded to haul the bicycle out and clean it up…adjusted the brakes, oiled the chain and voila! It’s in high biking order! Mike and I then went for a jaunt down to Sobey’s to pick up some hot dogs and came back to have some excellent BBQ meat. I also tried out some hot mustard I found at the grocery store…it wasn’t kidding. It was really hot.

I had grand aspirations to head downtown and walk around but after calling Vero, I realized that my body was calling for a nap so I decided to do that instead. The rest of the day was spent editing Sam and Marc-André’s wedding video which has hit the part where I have a rough edit complete (around 5 hours of footage!) and now I have to figure out what I want to cull.

Mike, Vero and I then headed out to Bean Town Ranch to have a grand Sugar Shack of a meal. You may remember the Bean Town Ranch from such entries detailing Jason and Monique’s wedding…which was also the place where Annie almost gave birth to Philippe but luckily they managed to get to the hospital. There were quite a few people there for the supper and we found our seats after finding some Beau’s beer on tap. There was a good crowd of Vero’s theatre friends there and we gorged into servings of bread with ‘crotton’ (some kind of pork/onion paste), pea soup, crepes, back bacon, potatoes, quiche and loads of maple syrup. Mmm boy. I believe I may have brought my ‘A-Game’ while eating as I had enough back bacon to feed an army.

After supper, we headed out on the horse drawn carriage for a tour of the maple syrup grounds and ended up in a barn where they laid out some maple syrup that we could put onto a Popsicle stick. We were also treated to some ‘caribou’ which was a shot of some sort of maple syrup liquor. We proceeded to help ourselves to not one, not two, but three shots of this ghastly stuff and Mike, J-F and I all realized the third one may have not been needed.

When we returned to the main hall, there was an acoustic set by a brother and sister. They were playing some good Beatles, CCR and other classic staples, along with a few French tunes as well. The brother also had a saxophone which he played occasionally. I especially enjoyed it when he played along with ‘You Shook me All Night Long’ by AC/DC later on the night when the DJ was playing that song. I enjoyed some good company with the boys…Simon, J-F and Mike and we chatted about the assorted characters we saw around the room…including the old guy with leather pants and cowboy boots.

The DJ then came in and the dance floor became PACKED with kids. We didn’t know where these kids came from but they dominated the place. I swear I saw a little mosh pit starting on the right hand side of the crowd. There was jumping, there was flailing of arms and legs, there were crazy dance moves…it was quite the spectacle from my perch at the table. We had a good laugh at some of the moves being brought out…I especially loved when the Macarena was playing and one woman made her own moves up. These kids must have been from a school or something because around 10PM they all left in one fell swoop. This pretty well killed the dance floor and we were left inside a hall all by ourselves dancing for another hour.

I really enjoyed the night as it was nice to get out of the city and see some stars at night. I really miss that. I chatted with J-F and Mike about the conundrum of where to move next (in terms of a house)…do I move closer to the city so we are closer to work, and subsequently I can start biking a lot easier…or do we head farther out of the city so we can have a little bit more land, privacy and be able to see the stars at night instead of the glow of the city lights?

The next morning was quite dreary and it never stopped raining all day long. Krista and Ben were planning to show up for some BBQ hot dogs so Mike and I picked up some beer and headed back home only to find out that Krista said she may be running late. I started installing the new version of Final Cut Pro that Vero graciously obtained for me (this version is built to natively run on the Intel chip set as opposed to the older version I have, so I’m hoping it will have less issues with my Macbook) and we watched a few episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Later in the day, I headed over to Vero’s for awhile and tried to contact Krista a few times but no dice. I was trying to get in touch with her to help me study for a written exam I have coming up this Wednesday and it deals with matters of Parliamentary legislation and other things I’m not too familiar with. In the end, I found out she wasn’t feeling all too hot so we decided to reconvene at work on Monday and Vero and I had some supper and watch the red carpet gathering of the Junos.

I headed home to watch the rest of the Junos with Mike. They were a fun time. Russell Peters is freaking hilarious. I don’t know how he gets away with some of things he says. I enjoyed seeing the Sam Roberts Band play ‘Them Kids’ and they had this lighting effect that made them black and white. Coolness! They also took home the best rock album and best artist of the year awards. Nickelback also cleaned house…and justly so. Their new album is killer.