
Sunday Recap: Ho Ho Ho

Went to Cora’s with Maren, Christina and Jeff who just got back from Europe. Envy! Cora’s is good, but for a guy who doesn’t really care for breakfast, it irks me to pay a lot for something I really don’t care about. Give the man a sandwich any day!

Spent the afternoon hanging up my Christmas lights outside as well as going shopping with Shannon. He did well, but I only managed to pick up something for my sister. All in good time. I’m all about this year. I think I’ve put in four orders to them so far. As long as you are over $39, it’s all good (aka free shipping). I think I’ve got Mom hooked on it. I’m glad, because living in the North offers little selection.

Can I just note that my new vice in life is Hot Apple Cider? YUM!

I must say that my Christmas lights look pretty sharp. I didn’t know how they would turn out, but I can’t complain. Although I swear some of them are blue. An odd colour. I am trying to figure out when to unplug them…should I leave them on all night long or should I unplug them before going to bed? Economically, before bed sounds about right. PLUS, everyone is asleep during the night, so who cares if they are on?

Heads up: If anyone knows how to print off panoramic shots…you know, the ones you stitch together…I want to print one off but am unsure of how that works in the land of printing out digital photos.

Did I mention I’m going to see U2 with Joelle this Friday. Awwww yeah.

6 replies on “Sunday Recap: Ho Ho Ho”

Suggestion – Put your lights on a timer. That way, you don’t have to worry about turning them on and off. To save energy, thus helping conserve the environment, turn lights on from 5pm – 11pm. Anytime before or after that would be a waste.

I would agree with Mel. Timer’s are the best.

Or just do as you said – unplug before bed.

I bought 3 strings of the LED ones from Home Depot. $4.99 multi-coloured.

I like them.

Dang. $4.99 for multi-coloured? I paid $12.99 at C.Tire. How many were on a string? I got 70 per string.

Thanks for the tip about the timer. I shall definitely go pick one up. I don’t think I’ll want to mosey on out of my house at 11PM to freeze.

I hook mine up to my outdoor porch light.

Get one of those light bulb sockets with an electrical plug, works great.


$4.99?? really?

I am going to go pick some up if that is not a typo.
LED lights = less power + last forever.


Yes. $4.99 for multi-coloured led’s at home depot. 12 foot string, I think 35 lights per string.

I got 3 strings. I had to return one, it didn’t work, but I think that was my fault. But they took it back nevertheless.

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