
Friday Fun Times

On my last day of vacation, the family headed over to Embrun to check out one of the two new breweries in town…Tuque de Broue.  It is a similar setup to any other brewery you see where you enter, smell the marvelous aromas, and get to test out some samples.  The woman at the counter was nice enough to explain a few things to me as I perused their wares.  I decided to pick up one of each beer and try them out over the weekend.  I have to say that all in all, I wasn’t too impressed with the beer, however I will prefer stronger tasting beers.  I can definitely see a lot of people enjoying their beers so I encourage everyone to drop in, support a local business, and try out the beers for yourselves!

People say there are not enough of photos being posted of mom and daughter.

Supper was graciously provided by Nat and Marc Aces who dropped by to see what was new in our lives.  They brought over some great chinese food from Dong Seng.  Aces was chatting to us about his pilot lessons and how he managed to go solo a few times which was invigorating.  Sierra was well behaved around Nat which basically means Nat is a good babysitter/mom.

Nat snapped this photo and proclaimed “This is what you look like when you are frustrated at work!”