
Test Driving the Yaris

On Thursday night, Trish wanted to go roaming around for Hallowe’en costumes.  I agreed knowing that Vero would be working on her resume for her permanent position at work (Go Vero!) and I headed over to her place after my Pop Culture class.  We decided to head down to Gooney’s sandwich shop for a bite to eat.

There was a new location down on Bank Street (well, probably not new but one that I had never been to before).  Now, to put this in context, Gooneys on Laurier Street is amazing.  It’s got ambiance, it’s got a live Blues player, it’s got a giant jar of pickles…it’s got everything.  It may be my favourite sandwich shop in town.

The one on Bank Street was like a Harkonnen torture chamber in comparison.  What the heck?  The only thing that was remotely the same were the menus.  This place was connected to a Kwik-E Mart…literally.  They had a hole in the wall that you could walk through to get to the convenience store.

There were only fluorescent lights and white tiles in this place and it wasn’t entirely clean.  After we ordered, Trish looked for napkins but couldn’t find any.  The sandwich maker scoured in behind the counter and managed to come up with one napkin.  What the heck?

I must state that the sandwiches are amazing though and if you take it to go, you won’t be disappointed.

At one point I had to go to the washroom.  I had to get the key from the counter and when I went in, it was like a bomb went off.  Toilet paper and paper towel all over the floors and there were five empty toilet paper rolls, but alas, no full ones.  What the heck?

I deduced that there may be toilet paper underneath the sink and sure enough, I found some there.  After I was done, I flushed the toilet and it didn’t work.  At that point I realized that it was time to hightail it outta this place and so I threw on the key on the counter and told Trish it was time to leave this joint!  So in conclusion, if you wish to go to Gooneys on Bank Street, get take-out.  The food is still good.

After that, we piled into the Mazda and got talking about Trish’s need for a new car.  To recap, Trish’s car is falling apart, literally.  I don’t even think it has any brakes anymore and she coasts through town.  She was hesistant to enter the world of buying cars so I assured her it was easy and we went off to the Toyota dealership on Merivale to test-drive a Yaris.  Let me tell you, while it drove nice, it’s really strange to have the speedometer in the middle of the dash and not in behind the steering wheel.  We couldn’t get over this part of the car and we headed back and talked to the dealer there about how much a Yaris would cost per month, yada yada yada.  To end this story, Trish ended up buying a 2008 Ford Focus on Saturday along with her brother-in-law who is supposedly a wheeler and dealer.  Congrats Trish!  She is now nauseous thinking about car payments eating away her life.  Welcome to the feeling of everyone else!

We then headed over to Value Village for some inspiration.  Trish finally figured out what she wanted to dress as and she managed to find a white sheet for me to make into a mummy costume for $3!  I also found a hilarious wedding gift for Samantha and Marc-Andre so I’ll be sure to send that over to them sometime.

All in all, the night was not a bust as we managed to get some good ideas for Hallowe’en and Trish got her first taste at what a car with brakes feels like.