
Thanks for the Birthday!

Last night I had quite the birthday party. Before I start, for all of those who called to wish me birthday wishes, thank you! I will give you a call back tonight. I found it strange that I missed my parents call considering we were home when they called.

The craziest gift I have ever received in my life was bestowed upon me last night…Vero bought us a drum kit! Fantastic! I had a good laugh at Mike who had to brave torrential downpours to bring the drum kit over. A true friend indeed!

We had a small group of people show up for my birthday and all was good in the world when the rain stopped for awhile so I could get outside to BBQ some sausages and burgers. Yummers!

Supper was prepared by my two favourite girls from Hearst; Vero and Melissa. We had an excellent feed of corn, meat on the BBQ and an orange cake which hands down rivaled my own mother’s. Melissa was doubtful if she could beat my mom in the cake making business but she hit it on the nail (although she admitted that the icing was a little off as we had run out of powdered sugar and she had to resort to actual sugar). It was delicious and it brought me back to the days of having orange cake for each birthday!

Vero had to run to a theater practice for a few hours so we attempted to assemble the drum kit without any instructions as there were none with the kit. Rob and Mike managed to assemble most of the kit while Melissa and I struggled putting the bass drum together and then we realized that Mike’s definition of the front of the drum and our definition of the front of the drum were different so we had to take it all apart again so that the label would be in the right place.


Krista, Ben and Trish left shortly after cake and the rest of us headed to the hot tub for a dip.

Other highlights:
– Trish passing me an olive branch in purchasing a book about Bono (she loathes Bono).
– Carrie rushing around last night to get a picture of me developed and put into a frame. Classic photo of me from the cottage party weekend.
– The freaking drum kit!

Thanks to all who made it out and special thanks to Melissa and Vero for making it an amazing night!