
The Beginning is the End is the Beginning

billy016.jpgThere’s big talk in Pumpkin-land right now as the trailer for ‘The Watchmen’ film debuted last week and it’s set to the song ‘The Beginning is the End is the Beginning’ by the Smashing Pumpkins.  This song is a rare one and debuted on the Batman and Robin soundtrack a decade ago and definitely wasn’t one of their big hits.

While I prefer it’s alter-ego “The End is the Beginning is the End”, the song set a good tone for the footage presented and the fan community is having a good laugh at the sheer amount of notice this song is getting right now.  In fact, it is now selling at #33 on iTunes right now which is a mighty feat.

All this from one song featured inside a movie trailer!

iplaying:  (The Smashing Pumpkins)

2 replies on “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning”

I just had a look at The Watchmen trailer. I have to agree that the footage is very well matched to the song.

But I tend to favour The Beginning is the End is the Beginning…. I like the more epic feel of it over the harsh guitar riffs of the End….

Mmm….if you’re talking about favouring Beginning in use for the trailer, I agree. If you’re talking about the song in general, I prefer the harsh guitar riffs. 😉

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