
The Biz.

I do enjoy Blockbuster’s previously viewed deals.  Buy 2, get one free?  No problem!  I picked up Spider-Man 3, 28 Weeks Later and Hot Fuzz last night.  I had been wishing to pick up Spider-Man 3 Special Edition for awhile as I do enjoy the documentaries of my favourite superhero, but Vero pointed out that I would be paying $15 extra dollars for a documentary.  I passed on that idea with the knowledge of the future; I’ll find one at a garage sale one day!

In my original review of Spider-Man 3, I talk about how the movie was pulled in too many directions.  I still agree with my initial review, but I must admit that I enjoyed the film more the second time around compared to the first.  I saw how things fit together a little more and all in all, I enjoyed watching it (until Peter Parker takes a turn for the worse in a horrible dance sequence…even Vero was groaning!).  Vero enjoyed the film on her first viewing though.  I think this shows that overall Spider-Man 3 (and X-Men 3 for that matter) are good flicks, but for comic book fans, it may be pushing the limit.

Vero is diligently working on her sister’s wedding video.  She is quite the video editor I must say.  Her work is of professional quality!  I have inputted my thoughts on a few sequences and the choice of music, but other than that, have left her to her own devices.  I told her that we should look into having a wedding video business (not that there aren’t a ton out there already!) but I was wondering how much they would charge in general.  We should look into that.

Alright, between the time I wrote that last sentence and this one, some time has passed.  Enough time to make me realize that there seems to be a serious interest in the Ottawa area for wedding videographers.  Now, I don’t know how busy they are persay, but they do make some fair coin.  Minimum $800 for a day’s shooting and editing!  Even if we did this just for fun, that would be a nice little extra income, PLUS there would be benefits of having our business (for tax purposes…awww yeah!)

I must admit that I’m excited for this prospect.  Who knows what more we’ll find out?

7 replies on “The Biz.”

Yeah the guy in Kap charges 800$. He and his wife both film now as well… so figure 2 weddings/ weekend * 4 weekends/month * busy season ~ 4 months… Thats approximately 25600$ in 4 months!

PLUS since Vero is a QUALIFIED videographer AND you live in the city you could charge SO much more…

Also, with the population of Ottawa and area there is crazy potential and after a few tries you get the dvd template down and just copy paste into that and voila…

If I recall properly, $800 was the price we paid for our wedding video.

All in all, the video was pretty good, especially the part where Palmer proceeded to grab Sam’s breast. (Thank God the priest had left by then!)

But the DVD we got was of very questionable quality. Ryan and I ended up spending a few hours trying to piece together a full video out of several copies of the original DVDs.

If you ever do decide to go into the wedding video business, I recommend you also fork over all the footage of the wedding in addition to the final cut, that way the married couple may see some things that were cut because you didn’t think it was important, but in reality it was very dear to the bride and groom.

Yeah Eric, I was taking a look at some businesses around the area and they get pretty crazy with their packages. For example, I think I saw one which charged an extra $300 to pass over the raw files to the lucky couple. Maybe I was dreaming that…but I definitely remember an additional $100 to convert it to iPod format if you so choose to do so!

Dude I totally just did the same combo last night!! But I had 28 weeks later, hot fuzz and stardust. It was awesome!

Hey Ryan,

If you two do go ahead with the wedding video business you can hire me to do some shooting. I have now done weddings (my sisters and Lars), not quite a professional but on my way …

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