
The Decorations Arrive!

This past weekend was a bust for me in terms of studying.  I had no ambition to hunker down and study for Pop Culture.  The reason for this is that there was an exam review coming up on the Tuesday and that’s usually a better indication of what to study rather than me look through everything.  In the end, I did spend a few hours each day perusing through notes and catching up on some readings but it wasn’t until last night when I started drafting some study notes.

On Saturday, Vero and I hit the town on a shopping spree for Christmas as I realized I won’t have much time to do any shopping considering my time will be devoted to finishing up my take-home exam due on the 19th.  I’m hoping to be completed before then, but who knows if that will happen.  In the end, Vero scored on finding many items but I walked away with one lowly item for a gift exchange.

We did head home and had a great meal and settled in for a viewing of…Predator!  Man, what a great action film!  Vero inherited a boxful of old VHS tapes from a colleague so we picked this gem out to watch.  Turns out she had seen it before but it was fun nonetheless.  The actors in that film have biceps larger than my head!

On Sunday I woke up and studied a little more and started backing up a lot of television shows onto DVD as Mike’s main repository of a hard drive had little space left.  I managed to free up 70GB of data so that will hold us over for awhile!  Keeping in mind that a snowstorm was heading our way the next day, the Christmas bug bit me and I decided to hang up the Christmas lights.  This, in turn, led to me cleaning up the garage for the winter.  Then I pulled out all the Christmas decorations and Mike, Vero and I started hanging them up all over the place.  Vero did convince me to get some more garland so we headed out to Canadian Tire to buy some thicker garland.  There was none to be found so we bought some regular sized garland and just expanded on the existing stuff we had.  I also found a good Rudolph doll to add to the Christmas collection.  As I mentioned to Mike and Vero, I’m in no rush to build up my collection of Christmas items…but I like to get a bit every year.

The house is now looking very Christmasy and our leg lamp (ala Christmas Story) is coming along great.  Mike and I revel at it’s beauty every time we walk by it.  All we need for it now is a high heel shoe and some frill for the lampshade.

iplaying: Ain’t She Sweet – The Beatles (Anthology 3)

6 replies on “The Decorations Arrive!”

ok lets see pics of the lights…..then we can compare LOL…
2ndly, a TAKE HOME EXAM….honestly… and exam review… why not have the instructor write the exam him/herself.
Aunt Lois has a Christmas village that encompasses 50 square feet of houses, streets, trains, park, pond etc…26 houses I think…lights, street lights, and a light house aka Gaspe…so you had better get a move on with the Christmasy things

Ah I guess I should have explained that the take-home is in the Multimedia class…hence it involves using Flash and Photoshop. Kind of hard to sit in a classroom for a week straight to build the project!

I envy Aunt Lois’ Christmas village and will one day have one of my own! With a Godzilla amongst the villagers for good measure.

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