
The Downfall of Attractiveness – An Introduction to Canadian Winters

The other day I was talking to Andrea about how my hair looked flat after wearing my toque. I then commented that the overall attractiveness of the Canadian public diminishes by 20% during the winter months.

I then realized that there was more truth to this than Wikileaks. Think about it…instead of having a decent hairstyle, a dazzling smile and a nice summer dress, all we are stuck with is a person wearing an outfit that could easily be confused with someone robbing a bank. In a Canadian summer, I feel attracted to a woman when I see her face and how much she smiles in the sun. Now all we get to deal with is a balaclava and some frozen air escaping from their mouth. Talk about a hottie.

This totally explains why in the film Frozen (where three people get trapped on a ski lift for five days and also has some really stupid moments in it if you are a Canadian watching it) they always seem to leave their faces exposed instead of covering them up. I don’t know how effective it would be to see a film about three people trapped on a ski lift and all you see is a scarf over their face and hear them talking!

Here’s to a quick winter. We need to up the Hot Factor in Canada. And I’m not talking about the temperature.