
The Encounter with Krista

So I forgot to add my favourite part about Saturday night at Patty Boland’s. As soon as I walk through the door I stumble into my good friend Krista leaving the place. She has this incredulous look on her face of “What the heck is going on here?!”

I talked to her on Monday and we all had a good laugh about my great outfit on Saturday night.

I’m sending out a thanks to Krista since she has done two cool things in the past while for me:

  • Helped me with my constant painting questions. If anyone needs any help with their interior decorating, Krista is the person to help you. She’s a virtuoso!
  • Having a killer party at her place a few weeks ago. Sadly enough, this was the night after the Collective Soul concert so I was still feeling pretty rough. Anyhow, there was some great nacho dip being made (I’m assuming by her) that I shall have to steal the recipe for. Granted, I won’t even bother making it, but it’s good to have in case I break down and having the craving for it. I must admit that I was shocked to see Krista’s pad seem so…NORMAL! Here she’s going on about interior decorating and whatnot so I’m thinking I will be walking into the most eclectic living space in the world, but no. The walls are white. Krista, what are you waiting for?
  • Hey, I know you read this blog, where are the pictures from that night?

I’m thinking I should have more of these posts where I talk about friends and family so they can say “Hey! I made it onto the blog!”

In other news, I’m looking into this whole $40 M prize for the 6/49 draw on Wednesday.

Would $40 M ruin my life? I’ll let you know. 😉

update: Alright, so I noticed James’ comment asking how the money would ruin one’s life. I’m not denying that I would have a kickass life afterwards, but it’s where you get into the whole “Do I give money to my friends?” issue. If I had a wad of cash to spend, I would most likely want to give a little back to my friends…pay off their house, buy them an island, whatever. But once you go down that route, it’s all or nothing. You either figure out EVERY SINGLE PERSON that would be offended if they didn’t get some cash coming their way, or else you don’t bother so you don’t piss off anyone.

Example: I pay off James’ house. But not Matt’s.
Well, Matt is now pissed. Matt will question what kind of friend I am to him. Chances are, that would strain our friendship.
Maybe I’m overanalyzing this a whole lot. Let’s be honest…I would have a few years to think about this problem while I am on an island somewhere playing old Sierra computer games. Hello Daventry!

7 replies on “The Encounter with Krista”

Ruin your life? Are you kidding? It would be great to win $40 million. In fact, I’ll let you in on a secret. If you were to buy 14 million tickets, each ticket containing 1 of the 14 million possible combinations, it would only cost you $28 million. Therefore when you win, you net a difference of $12 million! All you need now is a bank willing to loan you $28 million.

You can’t lose! It’s a guaranteed way to make $12 million!

This reminds me of something I saw on a TV Show in which some people got together and bought every possible combination of ticket.

But then something screwed up during the purchase at different outlets and they were short 1000 of the combinations. This process cost millions of dollars, but in the end they won.

Imagine if they didn’t?

If there are 2 winning tickets, the pot is split.

Only winning you $20 mil.
A net loss of a meager 8 mil

Matt- you are totally right. If the pot’s split you are boned: in the hole $8 mil.

Man – that would suck.

Actually, that reason alone is probably why the bank wouldn’t loan you the $28 mil to start off.

In terms of paying off houses – I wouldn’t go THAT far in terms of generosity towards friends. I think a more plausible solution would be to buy everyone Xbox360’s and internet connections, so we could all play ONE HUGE Halo competition, than Matt could pwn me all over again. 🙂

You know what’s great? That fact the title of this orignal post is “… Krista”


Matt and I have taken it over and made it about ourselves. Excellent.

I will take note that all you two want are new Xboxes.

I never thought about the pot being split. Wouldn’t that blow after you thought you could win with the 28 mil?

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