
The Long Days of Knowledge

I’m in the midst of a week long course and I must admit that it’s a little mind numbing as a lot of the stuff they talk about is knowledge I have acquired through my Communications courses at U of O.  Coupled with the fact that the day doesn’t end until 5PM (quite out of the ordinary for a chap who has spent the past seven years getting used to heading home around 3:30PM), it is getting TIRING on the soul, and it’s only Day 2!  I believe I am feeling even more wiped as I had to head to U of O for my other class directly after my day long course.  That’s a lot of knowledge inside the noggin.

Tomorrow shall be the killer…course until 5PM, then a two hour break before going to a 7-10PM class.  Argh.

A lot of concert announcements creeping up which is great as this year has been lackluster on the concert scene.  I’m already heading to Matt Mays and El Torpedo on November 4th, I’m definitely picking up tickets to see the Pumpkins on November 3 and am also picking up tickets to see Nine Inch Nails on November 11.  The only band I haven’t picked up tickets for is the Sam Roberts Band as Ottawa has mysteriously not shown up on their tour dates of Ontario.  I’m holding out but if I find out they aren’t coming towards Ottawa, I shall hoof it over to Montreal for a show.

I find it funny that awhile ago I was questioning myself in whether or not I am slowly getting myself out of the concert scene (these questions brought forth by multiple concerts coming to town where I simply shrugged and thought I could use the money elsewhere…Bluesfest, Coldplay) and now blammo!  November is hitting me on all fronts with bands that I can’t pass up.

Weekend is shaping up to be good.  Got a note from James that there is a shindig going down at his house.  I’m pretty sure I don’t have any other plans (although that’s hard to confirm as I usually keep my calendar up to date AT WORK.  Very inconvenient this week.) so that’s on the horizon.  Plus, maybe I should start looking at those pop culture notes…pop culture is starting to go over my head in class…structuralism?  Was I asleep for that lecture?

iplaying: Paralyzer (Demo) – Finger Eleven – Us Vs. Then Vs. Now

One reply on “The Long Days of Knowledge”

Haha, Sucks that your courses run until 5. I definitely know the feeling from all the courses that I have taken this year that run until 5. When you are used to finishing at 3pm your body just doesn’t seem to be able to do anything past that time.

I have to say that I disagree with your comment that there was a lack of concerts this year. My band count for this year is in the 30’s and it’s not over yet I may breach 40 if all goes well. You just chose not to go to any of them. You have given up on the lesser know stuff and now seem to only fork out for your icons and favorites from back in the day (PUMPKINS, NIN, and Sam Roberts). It’s not all about the BIG NAMES. Most of the bands that really took it home for me this year have been the ones that almost no one has heard of. Case in Point Bernard Allison and Sonny Landreth were unknown to me and I was absolutely floored by both of them. That is not to say that I didn’t like the shows that the mainstream bands put on because they were good too they were just not the only thing. I personally opted not to see the headlining show many nights of bluesfest so that I could go see other lesser known bands.


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