
The Moment of Fame

I saw myself on Moitie Moitie yesterday.  It was pretty cool to see me sitting down in the background.  I was also with Mike and he got a little bit of face time as well (as much face time you can ask for as an extra).  He gets a massive closeup shot in a future episode though.  It will be great!

For those of you who are reading this before Sunday night, the show airs either at 5PM or 5:30PM on TFO (which is Channel 12 in Ottawa).  We are in the restaurant scene about 10 minutes into the show.  I have taped the episode to show everyone so later in the summer we’ll have a little party to celebrate.

Dang, it’s hot today.  But awesome hot.  Maybe it’s awesome because I’ve sat around with no shirt on since I woke up.  I don’t even have the air conditioning on.  I have grown accustomed to the heat nowadays but maybe I’ll throw the A/C on when I go to bed.  Sleeping while it’s hot is horrible.  But I think it’s starting to cool down now.

I’ve studied all day while Vero laid in the sun in the backyard all day long with me.  It was great.  We popped in a new album Maren passed to us to take a listen to.  Los Campesinos! is an amazing band and we really enjoyed the album.  We listened to it twice while sitting in the sun, absorbing life’s rays, and drinking iced tea.  I then switched over the listening medium to CBC Radio 3 streaming radio.  I haven’t listened to it in awhile and I don’t know why I ever gave up.  I have this love/hate relationship with radio.  I love what it has to offer (well CBC Radio3 at least…) but then I find I don’t pay enough attention to albums I actually go out and buy!  Where’s the good balance?

Right now I’m descending into a strange place as the sun is going down and it’s cresting over the mall outside my window.  A cool breeze is coming in, I’m listening to a live Dears concert I found on CBC Radio, and there is a beer in front of me.  Studying has finally taken a break for the day and I feel good about it…