
The Trek Home

Remember how I said my wiper blades worked beautifully on the way up? Well, the opposite held true on the way back down. I have no idea how this happened, but somehow a metal bit of the wiper escaped the plastic and created a nice scratch in my windshield. Boy, was I happy. I am now pondering whether or not to write a letter to Canadian Tire or to the Manufacturer. Perhaps I should phone Mom to find out what I should do. (5 minutes later) Mom’s Verdict: Contact Canadian Tire. See what they will do. In all, it doesn’t look like the scratch is that bad. Perhaps there is something that can remove a scratch? Anyhow, I have yet to go into the store and complain. I am a procrastinator to the end.

What does the new year bring me? Well, I don’t anticipate many changes from the last year. I hope to continue my further education taking night courses. Sometimes it wears on me, but I hope I can make it through until 2009. Things are going well with Vero so far and I doubt that will change. However, there will be changes in the new year as she ends her life as a student and has to make the transition to slacker in the real world. Life with Mike is excellent as well and I don’t think much will change there, other than the fact that I will hit him up to bring me to grocery store all the time with his new wheels. I think 2007 will be interesting to see Philippe grow up from a boy who can’t speak, to a terror machine on two feet. That will be awesome. I would like to say that I will see my friends more and more this year, but I’ve come to terms that school has really taken up a lot of my life in the past year which has hindered my friend-seeing. I don’t see that changing much this year. I hope to pay off my debts this year so I can start making new ones – perhaps finishing the basement in the house. I also hope to start my trek with Troy on the recording process and lay down some excellent tunes. Oh yes, and my love of songwriting is to return in 2007. I hope to fuel the beast with more reading – I want to branch out of my traditional reading habits and hit up biographies, world history, and some classics. Sitting in an office all day long doesn’t fuel the songwriting beast.

Best to all in 2007. To those who had a crappy 2006, it can only get better. 😉

One reply on “The Trek Home”

Ryan, I’m disapointed. You forgot the most important of all! When I asked you the question, you told me that your resolution was generaly: to ROCK!!! I thought it was the best answer ever!

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