
The Trip to see Satellite (Receivers)

Saturday was quite entertaining.  I woke up and thought about fixing the eavestrough (attempt #78).  I even called Dad to pick his brain on the subject.

However as soon as I got off the phone with Dad, Rob calls me up and wants to know if I want to go down to Merivale with him to check out free-to-air satellite receivers with Trevor.  Heck, why not.

So we head off to Merivale and meet Trevor at some electronics shop.  The world of illegal satellite is something to wrap your brain around if you don’t know much about it already.  My mind was spinning but eventually I caught the basics.  Trevor ended up getting the whole package; two satellite dishes, an HD receiver with PVR capabilities…the whole sha-bang.  Awesome.

Now, if I were to look into getting free-to-air satellite, I would not need an HD receiver as I most definitely do not have an HD TV.  So I’m looking at $120 for a receiver, especially if I don’t need to buy a dish as Rob said he had a spare one.

It’s something to think about.  We spend $30 on television each month now.  So if I managed to get satellite for 4 months, it would pay itself off.  Plus, there’s a bonus of the fact that I could directly tape all my shows to an external hard drive which would take stress off of our bandwidth limit issue via Rogers.

I think I’ll think about this over the next few months (read: After Christmas).  It may be worthwhile and if anything, it would be cool to get Pay-per-view movies again!

Afterward, we headed to Grace O’Malleys for a pint.  Rob and I commented it had been many years since we had been there and nothing really had changed (which is fine by us).

I then headed home and Mike and I went to Eric and Annie’s for some excellent dinner and we had good intentions of playing Settlers of Cataan but ended up just hanging out on the couch and chatting for a few hours and then headed home.  At least I got to listen to some excellent Okoumé.