
The Trip to the States

We are in the midst of planning our trip to the United States this coming Saturday. It will be an exciting road trip to end all road trips. There will be Christmas excitement in the air while we search for amazing deals. Also, some good road trippin’ tunes. Really, it isn’t about the destination, it’s about the great trip we will have. Although Krista just told me that she hates it when we play classic rock during the trip so we’ll have to switch things up. Although she then told me how she has a short attention span and likes to skip through songs after the first chorus or not hear songs by the same artists in a row.

What the heck? We’re definitely not letting her control the radio here or else it will be like the scan feature on your radio!

We are also mapping out the best route. Matt got a tip that the Thousand Islands entry point may take 3 hours to get across so we found another one near Prescott which may help us more. HOPEFULLY. Although I just found out there are toll booths along the way. The bane of my existence.

6 replies on “The Trip to the States”

If you are thinking of going all the way to thousand islands to cross to the states, why not go through Kingston and take the ferry to Wolfe Island and the ferry to the states.

It’s worth looking into…I mean you could stop by at Arby’s for a snack on the way back to Ottawa.

Have you seen BLACK FRIDAY ads…. you might rethink your date of departure…Nov 23…..check them out..

I hit the border around 7:30 last Sat and there wasn’t that much of a line up (20 cars total) at the Thousand Island(Ivy lea) crossing. Carousel Mall opens at 10AM, but you might want to be there before the doors open as it is shopping hell on Black Fri!

I love how it’s all about Arby’s. Three cheers for Arby’s beef and swiss!

Also, maybe we should bring Fromage de Noël to get in the mood for Christmas shopping.

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