
Third Doctor Visit + A Visit from a Potential Suitor

Wednesday was a big day for us.  But I got to start it out good with a walk around the block with Sierra.  As always, she seems pretty impressed with the adventure.

I met a gentleman called Wayne during my walk around and chatted to him about minimum wage and how he doesn’t make much while cutting lawns around the area.  I did feel bad that when he asked if I had any spare change, I forgot I had some in the stroller.  I asked him if getting change these days was harder since a lot of people use debit/credit a lot more and he said it was.


A surprise visit dropped by in the form of Mike and Max!  Mike had the day off so Melanie could go to the spa (Boyfriend of the year award right there!).  They dropped by with some excellent quinoa salad and it was a beautiful day so we had some burgers.  Max is a pretty amazing glimpse into my own future.  I also love how his hair somehow always forms into a Mohawk.



Here is Max chatting me up since he knows he might want to bring Sierra out on a date in about 15 years.  


For being such a gentleman, I rewarded him with a little treat!

Mike and Max couldn’t stay too long as we had a third Doctor visit to head to!  It’s really interesting how we had plenty of questions during the first visit, fewer questions the second time and this time around there were only a few.  Clearly we are getting the hang of this thing!  That’s probably an indication that everything we know will be thrown out the window by next week!

My favourite part of the week was when the doctor said that a baby puts on around 20-25 grams each day on average and Sierra was putting on an average of 39 grams!  I have now dubbed her Miss Piggy!  I’m really excited that she is putting on a lot of weight.  We can definitely tell as she has some chubby cheeks and her legs don’t look like chicken wings.

While at the doctor, we heard a story about another baby who had come into the office and they weren’t putting much weight on and the doctor was concerned but the father just brushed it off saying that they weren’t concerned.  I have a hard time understanding why people would take time out of their day to visit a medical professional who provides advice, and then proceeds to dismiss it like they don’t know what they are talking about.  What a waste of time on their part, and more importantly, what are you thinking?


Prognosis: Great!


Vero having a great time with Sierra.


The playmat is way more fun with Mom!

To end off the night, Sierra decided to make a long distance call to Hearst and chat it up with Arrière grand-mère Cantin.  They were comparing notes of life in general.
