
Thoughts about The Sequel

Image result for empire strikes backs

Here I am re-reading the blog from a few years ago wondering what I have written about Sierra before she was born.  Turns out that I didn’t jump back into blogging all that much during Vero’s first pregnancy.  Perhaps I’ll have a better track record this time around!

Here are some things that have been on my mind regarding The Sequel:

  • I’m wondering if Vero is secretly annoyed that I’m referring to our second child as The Sequel
  • The thought of The Sequel came from my thoughts of how could I possibly love another human being as much as I love Sierra?  I adore this kid running around and talking to me and helping me out.  Is it even possible that I could love The Sequel as much?  Then I realized that if I looked at it in terms of Star Wars, then the future is bright.  When we all saw Star Wars we thought “THIS IS IT.  HOW AMAZING IS THIS MOMENT?!  CAN IT GET ANY BETTER (OR AT LEAST EQUAL)?  Turns out that Empire Strikes Back was just as good as Star Wars and that’s when I realize how I can love another child as much as my first one.
  • The first ultrasound was a few months ago and it’s a nerve wracking experience.  Why?  Because of twins.  Or fear of twins is more like it.  In fact, we are heading to the second ultrasound tomorrow and I’m thinking that maybe the first one was incorrect and they will tell us that we are having twins.  Let me tell you that the thought of having twins in a city where we have no family support is a very scary thought.  Luckily, the first ultrasound showed just one sequel and not a trilogy.
  • It’s interesting to think about our future with two children.  The logistics are quite scary as well.  I definitely was more comfortable leaving Vero alone overnight with Sierra at…the six month mark.  Now, with two children?  I’m not even sure when I would be comfortable.  Just the sheer thought of having to oversee two kids on your own overnight is daunting.
  • On logistics, Dad was even pointing out that we may need a larger vehicle.  Part of me thinks he was joking, the other part thinks that he was serious.  I suppose we will see how it works out with our existing vehicles and see what happens after that.  Something tells me I’m not getting my electric car as my next set of wheels.  Maybe a hybrid?
  • I remember Vero and I preparing for the first child quite a bit.  Reading books, exercising heavily, preparing rooms, etc.  This time around I think I cracked open the pregnancy book once, perused it to remind myself of a few things and haven’t picked it up since.  I think it will take a few days after the birth to readjust to the new life, but then it will be old hat.
  • I have decided to take between 2-6 months off and take care of The Sequel.  Part of me is excited and the other part is scared.  Not scared of whether I can take care of the kid, but more scared of staying at home with the kid!  I have definitely seen the mental exhaustion a few times on Vero’s face before.  It definitely will be the hardest job anyone has ever undertaken but hey, I’m made of stern stuff.