
Thoughts before The Dark Knight premiere

diabol_logo.jpgThe hype is there.  This will be *the* summer movie.  The new Batman flick “The Dark Knight” is showing up in theatres tomorrow at midnight.  The buzz has been around since 2005 when Batman Begins blew everyone away.

Chez 106 hit the nail on the head with their comments about how not only is this movie going to be killer in attendance simply because it’s the follow-up to Batman Begins, but the other side of the coin is the fact that there is this need by the public to see the late Heath Ledger’s performance in the film which has already been toted as ‘Oscar-worthy.’

While I don’t doubt that he will be awesome as the Joker (from what I can see from the trailers, I think he does a better job than Jack Nicholson or Cesar Romero ever did portraying the Joker, but at the same time, the beauty of the Joker is that he can be so many different personages anyhow (as a character).  He’s funny, he’s sadistic, he’s a little insane.  So anyone can give their take on the character and it will still stay true to their character.  Now, granted, I am not entirely knowledgeable to the Batman comic franchise and have only been introduced to a few stories with the Joker so if there are ‘troo’ fans out there, feel free to give your take on the Joker as well.  Maybe I’m off my rocker.

Either way, from what I’ve read about the film, it’s going to set the bar for superhero films and I’m excited for that.  I’m excited to see what Chris Nolan has in store for us…the only thing I’m afraid of is that this amazing film will get lost with the ghost of Mr. Ledger and all people will talk about is how good he was as the Joker and not talking about the film itself.  I suppose that’s too be expected.  I, for one, hope that the film is so good that people come out of the theatre and are speechless.

I plan to see it on IMAX next week when I return from a trip up North for a wedding in Hearst.  I’ve read that this film is the first feature film to be filmed entirely in IMAX…that’s pretty cool.  Go see it in IMAX if you have the chance.  For those of you in Ottawa, the SilverCity theatres have an IMAX screen.