
Day 2 – Gaspe Trip 2008 August 3

DSC00818, originally uploaded by palm0014.

*note my attentive audience*

Well, August 3rd turned out to be my birthday and it was a miserable rotten weather day. I had high ambitions to go out biking, but alas, it was not meant to be.

We made the best of it and played some euchre during the day, and I organized my guitar songs so I could perform that night for everyone. During the day, Uncle Greg explained some key concepts of photography to be (f-stops, zooming, etc.) and while I can say that I can’t remember a thing he told me from that day, it made me think that I should pick up that amateur photography book that Mike has and try his SLR camera out sometime. We tried to snap a shot of a falling raindrop without much success.

I had a lovely birthday dinner consisting of fried bologna. The joke of the night was when Dad had asked for a few pieces to be made extra crispy (just the way he likes it!) and then Aunt Mariette picked the pieces up for herself not knowing that Dad wanted them! There were some good laughs at that.

I ended up receiving an excellent orange cake (my fave! Vero take note!) and everyone devoured it. I also managed to get some excellent gifts from my parents…some fishing tackle and they wiped the debt I owed them over some time. It was a very appreciated gift although I must admit that part of says “Can I not save enough money to even pay back my own parents?!” What kind of person am I?
The most unexpected gift was in the form of my Palmer Platter t-shirt…a one of a kind that Dad was using as his paint shirt! They managed to get the paint out of it and it looks brand new! I was excited to hear this as I didn’t even realize I had left it at home and Dad thought it was an old t-shirt that can be used for other means!

The night moved along and I played guitar for a few hours trying to sing the songs that everyone knew. Aunt Lois sure didn’t care for anything she didn’t like and tried to flip my song book pages while I was in the middle of the song! But she turned out to be an excellent singing partner along with Mom for most tunes.

When I stopped playing I managed to make it back to the table and realized that Dad had had his fair share of wine! I didn’t even realize what was going on behind me but sure enough, Uncle Fred’s wine was having effect on a few people that night. It was quite funny and I’m glad that Dad emerged unscathed the next morning. I also emerged unscathed after having a great slumber inside the trailer for the night. Thanks to all for the excellent 30th birthday party!

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