
Top Ten Reasons to Like Carrie

10. She can resurect a party spirit with a crack of a beer.
9. She can quote the entire FUBAR movie without prompts.
8. She introduces me to foreign people. They are, for the most part, very cool people.
7. She makes a mean Kraft Dinner.
6. She has an excellent repertoire of comeback lines. “Where is the turn-off?” “YOU’RE a turn-off!”
5. She is very nice on people’s birthdays by bringing them to dinner and then conveniently arranging to have the Interac machine to break down so she doesn’t have to pay.
4. Her favourite pub is the Heart and Crown, so clearly, she is automatically my friend.
3. She lets me know if I am wearing something unfashionable.
2. She gives me a run for my money after eating various foods.
1. She pretty well is the best person I have ever lived with. (No worries Mike, when it comes to your birthday, I shall say the same thing.) Anyhow, I miss living with her.

She smells nice.

Happy Birthday Carrie! Sorry I have class tonight or I would be joining for your birthday dinner.

3 replies on “Top Ten Reasons to Like Carrie”

Yes, generally Carrie does smell good! However, as her roommate, I know from personal experience, clear out of the room when, broccoli, KD or beans are being ingested. Happy B-Day Anderson!;-)

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