
Treasure hunt

We haven’t done a lot of visiting folks for the past few years but we decided to venture out and see Lynn and Sue in Perth for an afternoon of fun.

They weren’t kidding when they said there wasn’t any snow up there!  We arrived to a light dust left by some snowfall the day before.  Back in Ottawa we still have snow on the lawn after some freezing rain the other day, but now it’s rock hard and a pain to play in.

Crossing their pond, we looked at a tree that was near ready to come down due to some beavers in the area.  Lynn said he sees them around quite a bit which is a nuisance as they are taking down some good trees.

Checking out the camper trailer.

After some lunch of turkey soup (where Ezra thought the sight of a knife with a banana carved into the top was hilarious…”A BANANA KNIFE?!  HAHAHAHA”) we went outside to do a treasure hunt.

When I mentioned that the kids enjoy going looking for geocaches once in awhile, Sue went above and beyond and set out clues and created a treasure map out of an old LCBO bag.  It was fabulous.  The kids were excited to run around the property looking for new clues.  Each clue had a picture of what to look for next (e.g. a bench in the woods).

Looking at the first clue

X marks the spot!

After the treasure hunt and a walk around the property, we settled in for a bonfire which was quite stubborn in getting started.  But eventually it got going and we enjoyed some marshmallows and Sierra sang us some Christmas songs.  Lynn also tempted me with tales of the wagyu beef he was going to eat that evening as he received it as a gift from his son!

Vero always gets ideas of moving out to Perth and living on the river like Lynn and Sue have done.  Every time I go I have to admit that it’s a beautiful spot that soothes the soul.

Update: Sierra must have really loved her trip to Lynn and Sue’s place.  She had to draw four images about her Christmas vacation and two of those images were from her time spent there!

Sierra told me that Lynn is really tall

Sierra and Ezra around the campfire