
Turkey Shortage!

I was talking to Mom yesterday and she mentioned how they were in Timmins yesterday (1.5 hours away) and picked a turkey up on the trip because it’s hard to get a turkey in Kapuskasing.

What the heck? Turns out that there is only one grocery store left in Kapuskasing. So it’s hard to keep turkeys in stock! I was talking to Krista about it this morning and we were wondering how many turkeys are needed? Let’s say Kapuskasing is 10,000 people, are there 5,000 turkeys needed?

I think what they need to do is just get a tractor trailer full of them and advertise that they will be selling on a Saturday morning! Actually, Mom said that they have quite a few coming in through the week but they are always gone by the time she gets there! I find that incredible. I don’t know if it’s the case of simple supply and demand, or of lack of food shipping management. I’m going to assume supply and demand considering they have a truck coming in three times a week.

Anyhow, if someone else is missing a turkey, simply send me some money for postage and I’ll send one your way!

iplaying: Hey Jude – The Beatles (Past Masters Volume 2)