
Upcoming Concerts

There are quite a few concert happenings coming up soon…

This morning I’m going to attempt to get U2 tickets for their show in Toronto. I don’t know how lucky we will be with this…the U2 fan club gets pre-sale tickets so they may have already been all scooped up by now. Here’s to hoping.

This Wednesday Metric and Malajube are playing for some event put on by the University of Ottawa. It’s only $10 so I’m pumped to see both of them as Malajube is amazing, and I’ve never seen Metric live. I’m hoping there are still tickets available to purchase because we have been scoping out an opportunity to get in for free instead…

Metallica is coming this fall to Ottawa! Awwww yeah! I’m pretty excited to see them in a proper concert form…Joe and I went to see them at the Summer Sanitarium tour in Montreal and it was great but I would like to see them in an arena as well.

Plus…a bunch of festivals all over the place that have me thinking…Lollapalooza is on in Chicago the weekend that we are heading down to Windsor for Mike and Mel’s wedding. That’s only another five hours away! We could easily go down for the Friday and the Sunday! Plus, there are rumours that AC/DC will be playing some summer dates all over the country…will they end up in Ottawa? Who knows?

As always, if you’re interested in attending any of these events with us, let me know!