
Waiting in Rio

We are waiting until 1PM to go see the Christ statue in Rio. We tried the other day, but Vero got sick and when we brought her to bed, I ended up sick from some bad coconut juice. People have been getting sick over the past few days, but hopefully we have seen the worst of it.

I am keeping a journal which will be the account of our travels. i will transcribe it when we are back.

Iteniary to date (for Uncle Gary)…Rio…beaches, ssugar loaf mountain, reveillon on copacabana beach, riding some crazy ass rickety old street car up a mountain to some ruins which we found out were closed on Monday, going to some local markets, having fever dreams at night due to the hot nights…

Coming up…hoefully see the Christ statue today bvut it is cloudy…hang gliding tomorrow, then two days of relaxing…priobbably go to Copacabana and check it out (only saw it at night so far). I have been trying to buy a ukelele (or the Brazilian equivalent) but the cheapest I can find is $200.

Flying back at 1055PM on Friday and arriving in Ottawa on Saturday around 5PM. Yee…haw…