
Want To Move Next To Me?

Unfortunately, my great neighbour is moving.

The good news is, if you are looking for an excellent place to live, chances are, this is the spot you want! It’s right next to Michael and I! Michael will also offer his services to shovel your driveway (if you are females. If you are male, suck it up and shovel.)

Anyhow, I thought I would send a note out in case someone was looking for a new place to live. I love the area – right behind a mini-mall with a good bar, Giant Tiger and The Works is opening soon.

7 replies on “Want To Move Next To Me?”

Getting your walk shovelled my Mike is a definite selling point. Almost enough to make me buy a house. But not quite.

Hey! What’s up with this? You’re trying to give my house away to just anyone now?! Also, is Mike aware that he has been volunteered for driveway shovelling duty? :o)

Dish, no offense, but you didn’t sound too convinced to purchase the place when I was talking to you. What was I supposed to do?! I don’t want some random person moving in next to me!

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