
Weekend Ahoy!

So the rest of the weekend was a beaut also as I crashed at Carrie’s pad and managed to snag Alex’s empty bed for the night. It was flippin’ sweet. His duvet is amazing.

Me: “Man, this thing is amazing!”
Sven: “Yeah but it hurts your back after awhile.”
Carrie/Me: “Huh? The duvet hurts your back?”
Sven: “Oh! I thought you were talking about the mattress which is soft!”

After a swell breakfast and a viewing of FUBAR, I popped a Tylenol and headed home for a shower and then headed back out to Vero’s place to go to a hockey game with her family.

Her dad had just picked up this swell GPS unit so we punched in the address for the Hull Arena and off we went. I was very impressed by the GPS technology, especially since it talks to you. I had seen this 2 years ago in Germany but had heard through the grapevine that it had entered the North American shores.

The game was a decent one. I must admit that I was a little tired, but no worries. A little popcorn and some good times kept me awake. After the game we grabbed some pizza and hung out for a bit and then I retired home for the night. Hitting the sack around 10:00 (not forgetting to bump the time up by an hour) I slumbered until I could hear the snow melting the next morning.

Sunday was one of those perfect days where you realize that the winter is coming to an end. +8 degrees, snow is melting, the roads are filthy, but heck, you feel good. I headed over to Eric’s to see his parents and we just sat outside all day with a beer in our hands. Even if the wind cut through you like a knife through margarine, there was still the hot sun to keep us going.

I played a bit of Path of Neo which is the Matrix video game where you control Neo through the entire series. Cool! He picked it up for $10. I will have to try it out someday soon.

Also had some excellent meatloaf by Annie and then headed home where I hung up my new Sam Roberts poster/concert ticket/photo/setlist craft/frame/picture that I assembled and played some guitar.

All in all, a supoib weekend was had. I like weekends where I don’t have to think about school or work or anything at all!

Eric and I have this ambitious idea of doing one thing around the house each year. So we’re going to check out Home Depot and see what courses they have to offer on the weekends.

Ideally I would like to prepare the house for eventual sale (like 5 years down the road, if not longer) so I figure I would start out with laying some ceramic tile in the kitchen. Perhaps the bathroom? Either way, we should go get the skills to do so first and then we can tackle the job.