
Weekend Recap: Meaford

So after a grueling 1.5 hour drive where I contemplating curling up in a ball and sleeping for a week, I arrived in Meaford to a locked door. No problems as I had forgotten to phone up Danny and Carol to let them know when I was going to arrive. I figured they shouldn’t be too far away. I proceeded to set up a lawn chair and crack a beer and read my user manual of my recording equipment, but then it started to rain so I moved to the car. The car proved to be a worthy oponent to my own bed at home and I quickly fell asleep.

Knock knock went the window as Carol appeared out of nowhere! They had a good laugh that I was snoozing in my car with a beer by my side. After a shower which refueled the Palmer Machine, we hung out for a bit and jammed with Danny on some tunes. He had just bought these rubber guitar picks from a new music store which were…interesting. I don’t know if I would ever switch to them and I’ll see if they are better for picking the strings rather than strumming. I passed a few onto Mike and he said the same thing.

We headed over to the Leaky Canoe for some amazing wings, although I must not be used to the mass quantities of wings anymore (due to the atrocious pricing of them in Ottawa) so I could only eat half of my order whereas Carol managed to scarf down some cheese sticks, Greek salad and her entire plate! I was impressed by her show. The Leaky Canoe proved to be an excellent joint for food and drink, coupled along with the token small town drunk passed out at the bar. Beauty.

We then headed back home to jam a little more, relax and then Moe and Tracy showed up to the homstead. Unfortunately the night caught up with me and dozed off during their stay and was feeling pretty rude.

I must admit that Carol and Danny managed to demonstrate that I am losing my memory. They were talking about a camping trip that themselves and me and our friend Angele took back YEARS ago and I really couldn’t remember it at all. Then they hauled out the pictures and I still couldn’t remember it. This really frustrates me to no end…I had heard that as the years get on, you tend to lose your memory…but I wasn’t thinking I would lose my MEMORIES. Bah.

Waking up around 8 the next morning, I headed out to Ottawa where I witnessed a slew of OPP on the 400 HWY, but rarely saw one on the 401. Stopped into Kingston for some Arby’s since Ottawa does not have one in town. Unfornately the 401 went down to one lane before Kingston so that wasted 30 minutes of my day. Got into town and headed over to Vero’s where I surprised her. Never leave your door unlocked while you’re away Vero! Some crazy guy may be in there surfing the Internet!

All in all, it was a tiring weekend, but that was my own damn fault from partying hard and not sleeping much. But I enjoyed the trek around Ontario and I enjoyed the company along the way. A big thanks to the Pelkys, Troy, Connie, Jay, Heather and Shannon, and Carol and Danny for showing me some good hospitality along my trek. You’re always welcome in Ottawa when you need a place to call home.

3 replies on “Weekend Recap: Meaford”

Great to have you here Ryan! You are always welcome in Meaford. For the record it was one cheese stick 😉 hehe
Glad to hear you had a good time!

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