
Weekend Recap: Sault Ste. Marie

Drove up to Sault Ste Marie on Thursday with Holly leading the pack after we found each other in North Bay. I’ve never drive up HWY 17 past North Bay so it was a nice drive with the water on my sides for awhile. Sunset was hitting as we drove by Sudbury and it was weird to have flashbacks of Sudbury pop into my head – like the giant power lines going into the city, or the smokestack.

Holly asked me if I had noticed the moron swerving and braking all the time outside of Sudbury. Turns out that she passed the guy and him and his girlfriend were having some fun in the car which was preventing him from driving correctly. 😉

We rolled into town around 11 and met Holly’s parents. They are very cool people and it was odd to walk into the house and feel comfortable with the surroundings. Usually if I’m in an unknown environment, I am on the defense – say the right thing, act the right way. Here, I just sat back on the couch and chatted. Holly’s mom actually reminds me of her. They have the same laugh!

The next morning a super breakfast was prepared and Holly’s dad introduced me to the health wonders of garlic. I chomped away on a piece and boy did it hit me hard! I would like to think that I’m chock full of anti-cancer agents that night. Unfortunately for everyone around me, I had eaten a piece of garlic. Holly was not impressed.

We did a quick tour of the Sault which is a pretty cool place. We then got dressed up, went to the church (just in time to zip in front of the bride!) and sat down next to the Masse family. The wedding was nice…Adam and Nichelle’s son Blake was ripping around the church and when the vows were about to start he had tripped and smacked his head so the vows I heard were something like this:

Adam and Nichelle’s lips moving: WAAAAHH!!!! WAAAAAHHHH!!! AUUUGHHHHH!!

So I hope they said something nice during their vows.

Went back to Holly’s place for a beer and I hooked up their surround sound system and DVD player as they had just unpacked it. Headed over to the Watertower Inn where a great meal was had with great company at my table. The wine was flowing pretty nicely into Maureen and my glass that night! She was having a good time for sure.

DJ was decent although he didn’t fulfill either of my requests. Strike one and two boy. All in all, a good time at the wedding and it was nice to see my friends in a different setting.

We ended up rolling into bed around 2 in the morning which was unfortunate as I had to be on the road by 7 to catch a ferry to Tobermory. Onto the next adventure…