
Weekend Report

Weekend was spent having a great time at Matt’s cottage. Went out on the boat a few times (although I am stoked to get a ride in Alex’s new boat. This thing is huge.) This is the first time I’ve been up to the cottage where the weather was beautiful so I learned to appreciate it more. There wasn’t much to report other than we had a great time and there was plenty of beer, BBQ and boating. Plus a campfire and fireworks.

Let us not forget an amazing Hollyism that came out during the weekend:

I also caught up on some TV watching as I just realized that a bunch of season finales are coming my way and I haven’t caught up on them. Of particular note is Lost which I hadn’t seen the last 5 episodes of. I am intrigued once again. I enjoy this show and where they take you.

I also went on an excellent bike ride with Vero around Orleans. We stopped and had some fries at the chip stand and continued up and down random streets that I had never been on. This is the way to explore a community! The best part was when we stumbled onto some trails through the woods. Very beautiful. I will end up going back there again to explore. I never realized how much of a wooded area there was in Orleans until now.

All in all, a great long weekend was had (especially since I took the Friday off also). I am looking forward to a few things that are coming up, such as the Evil Dead musical this coming weekend in Toronto. Woohoo!

I’d like to put a shout out to my sister who I heard makes a hell of lot more tips than I do at her new job back home. Man…I wish I had a tip jar.

By the way…what has been playing on my iPod for about 50 gazillion times this weekend?

Tarantula by the Smashing Pumpkins. The new single is amazing.