
Welcome to Baby Unwin

Hey, this is some good news. I shall be referred to (in some circles) as ‘Mon oncle Ryan’ as Vero’s sister gave birth to a baby boy! Neat-o. I’m pretty excited to be the awesome uncle that any kid would want to have. Let it be noted that if I fill his backpack full of beer on our hike up a mountain, it’s for training purposes.

Hey! Vero and I are godparents as well. That’s a touching invitation…nowadays, I wonder what being a godparent is all about? I asked the question and it doesn’t seem like they expect much from us (like do I have to show him the Christian way? Do I have to demonstrate how to NOT shotgun a beer?) but I am willing to take notes from others on what they would expect from a godparent.

Congrats to Steve and Anne-Marie on welcoming a cool kid to this Earth!

One reply on “Welcome to Baby Unwin”

Congrats Ryan on becoming a god parent. You know there’s not much for you to do as a god parent. You have to buy gifts at X-mas and B-days. I guess a god parent is someone to take care of the child in casse the parents die. That’s pretty much what is expected of you. Besides that to be present in the important parts of his life. But I guess that is a bit difficult considering the distance situation.
Well good luck and god speed 🙂

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