
Welcome to the !=Safe World

Lot of talk going on today about the deaths at Virginia Tech.

Lot more talk on how safe our environment is. I was just watching a segment on the news where they were looking at U of Ottawa and Carleton U to determine how safe it is.

They spoke about how emergency procedures need to be relayed to students, perhaps in the first day of class. They also spoke of how safe the campus is, with security guards, cameras, etc.

The scary thing about all of this is that we live in a world where it’s just not safe. It’s a very sad, sad thing to say but I think it’s true. I understand the reasons why there is always talk about security measures in place – it alleviates some fears that people have.

But let’s be honest here. This is the reality here – if I’m in a classroom, there’s no emergency plan that is going to prevent a gunman coming into a classroom (unless someone captures him beforehand). This is the same scenario for public spaces of any kinds – shopping malls, hockey arenas, etc. I always have this fear that I’m sitting in the middle of class and someone opens the door and pulls out a gun. I even go out of my way to sit away from the door because I figure that would make me less of a target. It’s sad that I have to actually think about stuff like this when I enter a class at night at the University. But it’s the reality that we live in. Sure, people may think I’m a little paranoid, but heck, I just have an overactive imagination every time I step into class.

My thoughts not only go out to those who were directly affected by these deaths, but also those around the world who are now indirectly affected and wonder about their own safety and the safety of their friends and family.

I’m also making it a point not to read anything about the killer in question. He doesn’t deserve to be read about. I will be reading about the victims though. That’s what people should be reading about if they are interested in what happened. No real need to know what type of gun the person was carrying or how he carried out the killings. Does it really matter?

What’s the old adage? Hell in a hand basket…

update: Here’s a great article written in the Ottawa Sun bringing out the points I agree with.