
What’s New in the Life of Palmer

I thought I would give an update into the life which is mine as to what’s been eating up my time lately.

– School – I am currently taking two more courses this semester which are alright. They aren’t entirely exciting, but they are required for the Communications field which I am pursuing.
– Work – As always, I work! I am proud to say that as of October 1, I have been part of the working force for 5 years. That is pretty crazy. Unfortunately for me, 3 of those years were spent being a contractor so I’m legitmately with the Government for only 2 years. Boo.
– Playtime – Not much playtime to do many things, but I’m heading out to see the Trews (unplugged!) this Friday night and am hoping to hit up the For The Mathematics CD Release party at Barrymore’s on the same night. I dig this local band. If you like The Mars Volta, come check them out with me!
– Travel – It seems like I am forever travelling. I need a break.
– Lego Star Wars – The video game bug has bit me once again. I borrowed (read: stole when Eric wasn’t looking) his copy of Lego Star Wars and have been playing it for the past few days. I love the simplicity of it. I feel like a kid again.
– Hallowe’en – We’re slowly working on our Ghostbuster costumes. So far, we have some coveralls and a few power bar outlet type thingies (way to sound technical!). Unsure of the next step as we don’t want to put our heart and soul into the project, but don’t want it looking dinky either.